How do I know what’s in my subconscious mind?

Jason Henry
4 min readOct 10, 2018
“brown coral under the body of water with sun streaks in closeup photography” by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash

The subconscious mind has been called the driving force in one’s life. It controls 95% of what happens to us, not only in terms of our biological functions such as breathing, digestion and the like, but also how we experience life itself. Based on our experiences, we perform certain actions and as the old saying goes, what you put out is what you get back. It is the ultimate feedback loop.

According to developmental biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, when we are in our formative years, our brains are insanely receptive to information. So receptive, in fact, that we are essentially hypnotised. When we watch our caregivers, how we are treated by them, the environment that we grow up in, causes the child to believe “this is life.” This is why children can be exposed to languages and learn them easily, but comparatively, adults struggle when learning one new language.

When raised in affluence, that child is hypnotised to always be affluent. When raised in neglect, the child is subconsciously programmed to find caregivers who will abandon them.

Therefore, it would be in our interest to know what’s in our subconscious mind so that we can experience the life we would like to live and take the actions that keep on giving us what we want. And it’s very simple.



Jason Henry

Former Edu. Psychologist | Current Writer | Constant Learner | “By your stumbling the world is perfected.”